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Thumb rule for success (Focus on B.Sc final exam)

It's quite common to hear some one saying, " I wrote the exam well, but got poor marks". Have you ever thought about the reasons. The answer is simple. Mere filling up of the answer sheet with whatever you studied is not the right approach.

Want to approach examinations in the right manner? Follow these simple instructions:

Read question carefully to answer well - If it's a question to define something, then your job is to give the definition for that. Not more and not less!!!!

A common error that students commit is to overwrite answers. A one mark question demands a one or two sentences answer, a two marks question needs not more than five sentences containing points and a for a five marks question, one page is the maximum limit. You don't gain anything by writing one page for a two marks question.

Organise answers before writing. For example, for a five marks question, "What are folds? Differentiate between plunging and non plunging folds.", write answer in two parts. In the first, define fold. Write two or three sentences about parts of a fold including hinge line. In the second part, differentiate between plunging and non plunging fold (with small figures)

In Structural geology, Geotectonics, Palaentology and Stratigraphy, labelled diagrams add value to answers. By drawing a good diagram about the concept, you can even reduce the size of the written part.

Time management is most important. Utilise time properly. Allocate time between essays, short answers and one words. Don't waste time if you get stuck somewhere. Leave some space in your answer sheet and come back at the end if you have extra time.

Write as neatly and clearly as possible. Don't write too close or too wide. Leave some margin on the left hand side.

If you feel that a question is out of syllabus, just attempt it and you may be given marks.

In essays,write short paragraphs, underline important headings or points and write sub headings wherever possible.

Best of luck friends !!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you very much for the valuable suggestions